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Best Survey Offerwall for Your Mobile App

Posted on
August 16, 2023
Michael Lundberg
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Are you interested in integrating a survey offerwall into your gaming app? A survey offerwall is a great way to reward your players with gaming currency and incent them to continue playing. To learn more about what a survey offerwall is and the benefits of choosing RevU, keep reading below.

What is a survey offerwall?

Survey offerwalls are an innovative way for gamers to earn in-game currency and advance in their favorite games while also providing useful data to market research companies. These in-app surveys provide players with the opportunity to earn rewards by answering questions about products, services, and more. They’re a great alternative for gamers who have no interest in other offer types such as free trials. 

Upon entering demographic info, gamers receive a list of surveys that they qualify for. Each survey on the offerwall has a different payout amount, which in RevU’s case, typically ranges between $1-$25 per survey. Gamers can choose to take the surveys that best align with their interests, time constraints, and desired payouts. 

The survey section of RevU’s offerwall increases the number of choices a user has for free actions that bring in revenue for the publisher. The additional options for users within RevU’s platform ensure that each user can find an offer that gives them their targeted reward and allows them to remain engaged in gameplay within the publisher’s game, increasing the ARPDAU and retention for the game. Overall, survey offerwalls provide an engaging and rewarding way for players to enhance their gaming experience.

Publishers have several options when it comes to selecting a survey offerwall provider. However, there are many reasons that publishers continually choose RevU’s survey offerwall over others. Keep reading to learn the top benefits of integrating RevU’s survey offerwall. 

Why publishers love RevU’s survey offerwall

1. Only three data points needed to qualify for surveys

When it comes to online surveys, most offerwalls require several data points before showing the user the surveys they are qualified to take. This can be a major deterrent for gamers who don’t want to share much personal information and many users drop out of the process before completing. 

However RevU’s survey offerwall only requires three data points for the gamer to get started. With some basic information, gamers can access a wide variety of surveys from all major market research companies. By requiring less personal information, gamers can complete the signup process quicker and are less likely to drop out, which means better conversion rates for publishers and market research companies. 

Additionally, market research companies don’t have to worry about lacking user info. As gamers signup and begin completing surveys with RevU, they are increasingly shown surveys that are better targeted toward them, which is beneficial for both the gamer and the research company. 

2. Strong inventory of surveys

One of the biggest benefits of using RevU’s offerwall is the strong inventory of surveys. We work with all major market research companies and add thousands of new surveys every day. This gives gamers seemingly endless opportunities to complete surveys and earn currency. 

3. Attractive payouts

RevU’s survey payouts range from $1 to $25 so gamers can choose the option that works best with their goals and time constraints. And because RevU offers a variety of survey options with attractive payouts, gamers are more satisfied with their experience and more likely to find surveys to complete.  

4. Strong conversion rates

RevU’s surveys feature a strong conversion rate of 21%. This is beneficial for the market research company, who’s able to collect a large amount of data and the publisher who gets paid for the completed survey. 

5. Streamlined platform provides access to surveys and other offers

Many offerwall providers have separate offerwalls, one that’s dedicated to surveys and one that’s dedicated to all other offer types. Instead of having separate offerwalls for surveys and other offers like many providers do, RevU's offerwall conveniently contains both types in one place. This is beneficial for publishers who only want to integrate a single offerwall.

Not only is it quicker, easier and cheaper to integrate just one offerwall, choosing to integrate the RevU offerwall means you’re choosing one of the quickest integrations on the market. RevU’s offerwall is integrated with the use of a web link instead of an SDK. This means the offerwall can be integrated in as little as a few hours and does not require time-consuming maintenance updates to the SDK. 


In conclusion, a survey offerwall can be a great way to generate additional income for your gaming app. With RevU’s survey offerwall, publishers get the benefit of a strong survey inventory, impressive conversion rates, fewer required data points for gamers to start, and a single platform to integrate. Meanwhile, market research companies get the data they need and gamers get the currency they want to continue playing the game. Contact us to learn more about getting started with RevU.

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