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Unlocking Synergies Between Webstores and Offerwall

Posted on
January 29, 2025
Tanner Hanson
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Just a year ago, the courts in the US and UK made it official: Apple and Google would have to allow app developers to link to web stores that allowed direct payment, rather than force transactions through the App Store and Google Play store. The impact of this ruling can’t be understated: developers have a tremendous opportunity to capture a greater share of every consumer purchase on their properties. 

Savvy publishers can take advantage of an even more sophisticated level of monetization thanks to these webstores. For publishers with mature game economies and ad monetization, the alternate webstore can become the gateway to multiple new revenue streams. 

Connecting your offerwall to your webstore can 

A new way to bring players to the offerwall

Managing your offerwall and webstore together creates a “1+1=3” scenario. You can now leverage a single touchpoint to drive players to a comprehensive monetization solution, where they can make purchases, complete offerwall offers, or both. Having both the offer wall and store together means that you’re exposing a bigger audience to the full universe of opportunities, some of which they may have previously ignored. It also allows you to understand your players’ “purchase” behavior holistically, giving you full visibility into their behavior across offers and purchases, thereby giving you more ways to maximize their overall revenue. This allows for more optimization of bonuses and offers at the individual player level based on a user’s lifetime behavior (i.e. knowing when to run currency sales vs. when to push them to offers).

Additionally, this is a great way to test multiple offerwalls for your game - you may have an SDK based offerwall already integrated, and now you can test an additional offerwall within your webstore. Since most offerwall providers have unique demand, this gives you multiple avenues of offerwall monetization.

Offerwall as a gateway to payment

Offerwall is a great way to get non-payers to see the value of in-game currency and bigger expenditures in the game. Whereas they may not be willing to pay for higher ticket options, offerwall allows them to experience the impact of bigger in-game transactions without immediately having to pay for the bigger reward. And as they start to appreciate the impact of these bigger rewards on their playing experience, they often convert into paying players. This isn’t hypothetical; many publishers, including our partner Kongregate, have seen this player behavior come into action with the introduction of offerwall.

Get creative with your webstore inventory

Think beyond standard currency offers. Develop assets, in-game bonuses, or other features that are exclusively available via your alternative webstore - or in exchange for completing certain offers. If they’re appropriately rare or valued within the in-game economy, this can be an especially effective way to create unique value for each type of transaction. Diversifying between offer rewards and paid purchases can encourage engagement for both options, eliminating the hypothetical choice between the two. 

The future of monetization

Hybrid monetization has been on the rise, up 20% last year alone according to AppsFlyer - with over half of developers leveraging both in-app advertising (IAA) and in-app purchase (IAP) approaches. Connecting offerwall to your webstore is a simple yet incredibly effective way to drive overall revenue growth by tapping into established consumer behaviors. 

To get started integrating RevU’s SDK-free, industry leading offerwall into your webstore, reach out to our publisher team.

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